Here's all the stuff I did and what I am doing now.

"I think of data scientists as knowing more about statistics than computer scientists and more about computer science than statisticians." , Michael O'Connell

Data engineer and Scientist trainee

End-of-study for Master degree

Missions :
Migrations des projets Big Data sur Azure (Cloud Miscrosoft)
Sophistication des modèles de risque.

Company : AXA Direct Assurance

ML engineer trainee

Part-time job for Master degree

Missions :
Natural Langage Processing for text normalization,
Detection of duplicated articles and customers with ML models,
Model deployment

Company : CDANDLP

Data Science trainee

End-of-study for engineering degree

Missions :
Data quality and assessment, Data enrichissment with external sources, Matching and Customer Scoring, Location intelligence, Customer segmentation, Predictive demand modeling, Assortment Optimization, A/B Testing, Deploying models on Azure.
Company : Coca Cola Bottling

Statistics trainee

Technical internship for engineering degree

Missions :
Time series forecasting,
Impact Analysis of Covid-19 on inflation.

Company : EDESAT

Data Analysis Trainee

Application internship for engineering degree

Build Dashboard for regional indicator for development,
Dimension reduction and construction of a synthetic index.

Company : SUD